Origin of the project
Andreas Weiskopf deals in his texts with conscious and unconscious processes in human life. He illuminates abysses and searches for ways out of them in order to illustrate the highlights in literature and make them tangible. The encounter with death, dealing with faith and the whole happiness of a successful relationship are themes he approaches humbly.
Rolo Geisberg is the juggler of harmonies. His soul is reflected in his pictures and above all in his music. He is the person who cultivates modesty and hides his strengths well from prying eyes. Harmony wafts through his life, but also dissonant vibrations are given space and are processed through the examination of art.
When Andreas Weiskopf talked to Rolo Geisberg about his "Re-Creation Report", the idea was born to combine the text with music. Rolo Geisberg interpreted the lines musically in his own way, thereby intensifying the effect of what he wrote. The implementation of the project developed with great speed. After just ten days, the artists decided to present a joint art project around the Re-Creation report as part of the 2019 Venice Biennale. The text was translated into various languages, professionally recorded in the studio and with the help of music for all-round listening pleasure.